League Information and Facts
2017-2018 Team Comparison
# Team Players Experience Avg Avg Avg Age
1. Banff Hockey Academy Prep 29 621 5'11" 171 lbs 16.69
2. Burnaby Winter Club Prep 29 799 5'11" 174 lbs 16.31
3. IHA Midget Prep 25 807 6'0" 179 lbs 16.92
4. Coeur d'Alene Hockey Acd Prep 30 764 6'0" 175 lbs 17.23
5. Delta Hockey Academy U18 Prep 32 706 5'11" 179 lbs 16.06
6. Edge School Prep 32 722 6'0" 179 lbs 16.53
7. West Van Academy Prep 28 585 6'0" 180 lbs 16.25
8. Northern Alberta X-Treme Prep 32 708 5'11" 180 lbs 16.16
9. OHA Edmonton Prep 24 874 6'0" 185 lbs 16.46
10. Okanagan HA Red U18 Prep 19 910 6'1" 191 lbs 17.26
11. Okanagan HA White U18 Prep 31 631 6'0" 181 lbs 16.00
12. Pacific Coast Academy U18 Prep 23 755 5'11" 174 lbs 16.52
13. Pursuit of Excellence Prep 35 683 6'0" 176 lbs 16.37
14. RINK Hockey Academy Prep 28 811 6'0" 182 lbs 16.21
15. Shawnigan Lake School U18 Prep 29 787 6'0" 177 lbs 16.86
16. Yale Hockey Academy Prep 29 725 6'0" 184 lbs 16.07